The UW-Madison Slavic Graduate Student Organization presents the 2021 Wisconsin Slavic Conference on April 9 and 10, 2021!
Friday, April 9
The Keynote Lecture by Professor Ilya Vinitsky (Princeton University), titled “Fake Tolstoy as a Cultural Problem: The Case of ‘Tolstoy Prophecy of WWI,” will take place at 4:00pm -5:30pm on Friday, April 9 on Zoom. Professor Vinitsky’s description of the lecture is: “To the best of my knowledge, the real problem of the fake (or imaginary – “мнимый,” in Tynianov’s words) Tolstoy has never been examined by scholars. In this lecture, I will focus on a striking case of this phenomena, a sensational prediction of WWI communicated (arguably) by Tolstoy’s daughter (or grandniece) Countess Nastasia Tolstoi before his death and widely discussed in newspapers and pamphlets all over the world in the 1910s and 20s. I will try to identify the real author of this influential “vision” and interpret the latter within the context of the faker’s works, activities, and a system of beliefs. My project aims to develop a new interdisciplinary methodology for the analysis of the formation and cultural values of liars, forgers, and mystifiers.” This lecture is free and open to the public.
Saturday, April 10
The full day conference will be from 9:00am-3:00pm on Saturday, April 10 on Zoom. Please find the program for this event attached to this message. This event is open only to UW-Madison faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students.
Full Conference Program
Separate registration will be required for the Friday Keynote Lecture and the Saturday full day conference – if you plan to attend both events you must register twice. All attendees are required to list their Organization and Job Title to comply with funding requirements and for security purposes. If you are associated with UW-Madison, please list your Department in the Organization field.
Register for the Keynote Lecture on Friday, April 9 at 4:00PM.
Register for the Full Day Conference on Saturday, April 10 at 9:00AM.
This conference is organized by the Slavic Graduate Student Organization with funding from the Wisconsin Experience Grant.
If you need an accommodation to attend this event, please contact (Alexandra Portice, WSC secretary) at (aportice@wisc.edu). All accommodation requests should be made no less than two weeks before the event. We will attempt to fulfill requests made after this date, but cannot guarantee they will be met.
Please email Brian Kilgour, bkilgour@wisc.edu, if you have questions about the 2021 Wisconsin Slavic Conference.
We look forward to seeing you at these events!
With best wishes,
Brian Kilgour, Assel Almuratova, and Alexandra Portice
Co-Chairs, Wisconsin Slavic Conference