Wisconsin Slavic Conference 2022
Organized by Assel Almuratova, Jesse Kruschke, and Isabella Palange, this year’s Wisconsin Slavic Conference was held on March 25-26.
We thank Prof. Joanna Niżyńska (Indiana University), who gave an inspiring keynote talk titled “Polish-Jewish Memory Fifty Years after March ’68: A Challenge Map,” and Prof. José Vergara (Bryn Mawr), our returning PhD alum, who spoke with current graduate students and also gave a paper at the conference on Russian carceral narratives, the subject of his latest research project. We also thank all participants in the conference, who were graduate students from UW-Madison as well as other universities in North America. The conference program is here.
We congratulate Isabella Palange, who won this year’s J. Thomas Shaw Prize for Outstanding Conference Paper.
See below for some images of the event!