Please join us for one or more events connected with the Wisconsin Slavic Conference (WSC) that will take place this weekend.
On Thursday, March 24 at 4pm, returning PhD alum José Vergara will give a CREECA talk in 206 Ingraham titled “James Joyce’s Russia and the Nightmare of Paternity.”
On Friday, March 25 at noon (Madison time), José Vergara will be conducting a Zoom-mediated dialogue with the Belarusian writer Svetlana Alexievich, laureate of the 2015 Nobel Prize for Literature. The discussion will be in Russian with English-language interpretation.
Also on Friday, March 25 at 4pm, Prof. Joanna Niżyńska (Indiana University) will deliver the conference keynote, titled “Polish-Jewish Memory Fifty Years after March ’68: A Challenge Map.” This will take place on campus in 206 Ingraham.
The main conference take places on Saturday, March 26 from 9am to 4:45pm in the Pyle Center. The conference program is here.
The WSC is an annual event planned and run by graduate students in Slavic Studies. We are grateful this year to support from Associated Students of Madison, a Wisconsin Experience Grant, GNS+, and CREECA.