“Study abroad has made me more open-minded to other cultures.”
Program: CIEE Central European Studies in Prague, Year
Student’s Major: Political Science

Academic Life: I chose to take classes that would fulfill major requirements for me. I took a class on central European politics, and environmental studies class, a Czech myths class, and an art and architecture class. In addition I had a Czech language course twice a week. The classes were an hour and a half each with roughly 15 students in each. The other students in the class were Americans but the teachers were mostly from the Czech Republic.
Benefits of Study Abroad: It has made me much more self-reliant. I am able to overcome difficult situations by thinking positively and opening myself up to new experiences.
Advice for Someone Considering Prague: Study abroad in Prague! It’s such an easy city to get around and explore. In addition, it is centrally located in Europe so it is easy to travel almost anywhere.
On Different Cultures: I have experienced a culture completely different than my own so I am able to understand that just because something is done my way does not mean it is the only way. It has made me much more self-reliant. In applying for jobs, I will be able to talk about overcoming obstacles and experiencing a different culture.
Tips for Future Students: Go in with an open mind and with no pre-conceived notions about what a study abroad experience is supposed to be.