“One of the most memorable experiences from the program was visiting the United Nations in Vienna.”
Program: UW Obesity and Health in Austria, Summer
Student’s Major: Pharmacology & Toxicology, Neurobiology
Academic Life: Over a three-day period during spring break, we learned some of the basic concepts and fundamentals surrounding obesity, nutrition, and physical activity through various field trips, lectures, and student-led activities. During the study abroad portion everyone in the group prepared a paper beforehand about some aspect or topic relating to obesity and nutrition and would present their papers to the rest of the group. In this way the learning was largely driven by student ideas and responses and then supplemented by additional thoughts and comments from the professor. Overall this form of learning really made the whole experience incredibly enjoyable while still remaining very insightful at the same time.
Advice for Someone Considering This Program: The experience was both incredibly educational as well as enjoyable. The learning environment in this study abroad program is very open. All the discussions and learning will be while you are touring Vienna and seeing its many stunning works of architecture and natural landscapes. Other than the essay you write the semester prior to studying abroad there are no other major assignments that have to be completed.
Benefits of Study Abroad: Regardless of what career aspirations you may possess, having the opportunity to experience new settings and cultures is very powerful because it demonstrates to others that you have an understanding of the world beyond where you live or grew up. It lets you connect to a larger net of people in the world who may have shared or even lived in the cultures that you experienced on your study abroad program. The ability to effectively create connections and understand people from different backgrounds is an integral component of many different jobs and careers, including my own personal career aspirations of becoming a doctor.