East Central Certificate Requirements
Students may declare an East Central certificate beginning in the fall 2017 and may graduate with the certificate beginning December 2017. If you are interested in declaring an East Central certificate contact one of our advisors or our Undergraduate Coordinator.
In order to receive the Certificate in East Central European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, students are required to complete:
Total credits required: 15 minimum
At least 8 credits must be earned in residence.
Students must earn a 2.000 GPA on required certificate coursework.
Part 1 : Select one of the following options (6-8 credits):
(a) SLAVIC 217 Third Semester Czech
& SLAVIC 218 Fourth Semester Czech
(b) SLAVIC 207 Third Semester Polish
& SLAVIC 208 Fourth Semester Polish 1
(c) SLAVIC 251 Third Semester Serbo-Croatian
& SLAVIC 252 Fourth Semester Serbo-Croatian
Part 2: Select three courses from the following (9 credits):
LITTRANS 207 – Slavic Science Fiction through Literature and Film
LITTRANS 208 – The Writings of Vaclav Havel: Crtitique of Modern Society
LITTRANS 215 – Polish Literature in Translation: 14th to the Mid-19th Century
LITTRANS 218 – Polish Literature in Translation: Late 19th and 20th Centuries
LITTRANS 241 – Literatures and Cultures of Eastern Europe
LITTRANS 247 – Topics in Slavic Literatures in Translation
LITTRANS 329 – The Vampire in Literature and Film
LITTRANS 454 – History of Serbian and Croatian Literature
LITTRANS 455 – Modern Serbian and Croatian Literature in Translation
LITTRANS 471 – Polish Literature (in Translation), Middle Ages to 1863
LITTRANS 473 – Polish Literature (in Translation) since 1863
SLAVIC 242 – Literatures and Cultures of Eastern Europe
SLAVIC 245 – Topics in Slavic Literatures
SLAVIC/GEOG/HISTORY/POLI SCI 254 – Eastern Europe: An Interdisciplinary Survey
SLAVIC 302 – Zarys historii literatury polskiej
SLAVIC 307 – Study Abroad in Poland
SLAVIC 308 – Polish Culture and Area Studies on Study Abroad
SLAVIC/FOLKLORE 444 – Slavic and East European Folklore
SLAVIC 449 – Istorija srpske i hrvatske literature
SLAVIC 454 – Moderna srpska i hrvatska literatura
SLAVIC 470 – Historia literatury polskiej do roku 1863
SLAVIC 472 – Historia literatury polskiej po roku 1863
1 Students can satisfy this requirement by completing any two courses in Polish language beyond the second semester, including: SLAVIC 207, SLAVIC 208, SLAVIC 277 Third Year Polish I, SLAVIC 278 Third Year Polish II, SLAVIC 331 Fourth Year Polish I, and SLAVIC 332 Fourth Year Polish II.