When you give, you support our students, fuel our research, & more!
Our sincere thanks to the many alumni and friends who have generously supported the University of Wisconsin’s Department of German, Nordic and Slavic+ in the past and present. Private gifts are increasingly critical to ensure that our programs maintain their stature as some of the nation’s premier programs.
Your donations help us with a wide range of departmental undertakings including providing assistance to promising undergraduate majors, hosting stimulating series of talks and other scholarly activities, and supporting the research and teaching of top faculty and graduate students. Your gift can also support cultural activities on campus of interest to students and the greater Madison community.
How to Support GNS+
Supporting GNS+ could never be easier. By donating to the Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic Annual Fund you support all of our programs combined efforts to provide assistance to undergraduate and graduate students, support faculty research and teaching, host a variety of departmental and public events, and make improvements to department facilities.
Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic Annual Fund
If you would prefer to donate to individual programs and/or causes please see our additional fund options below.

Giving Options
You can contribute to an existing fund or provide a major gift that endows a new, named fund that you define yourself.
You can contribute on the UW Foundation’s Website by typing in the name of the fund you would like to donate to or using the direct fund links provided in the individual fund information below.
By Mail
Send a check made payable to the UW Foundation (indicate “German Enhancement Fund,” “Undergraduate Excellence Fund,” “Netherlandic Studies Fund,” or your choice of specific fund) to:
University of Wisconsin Foundation
US Bank Lockbox
P.O. Box 78807
Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807
For more information please contact Ann Lippincott at 608-308-5320 or ann.lippincott@supportuw.org
The UW Foundation, a nonprofit, tax-exempt Wisconsin corporation, is the official fund-raising and gift-receiving organization for the University of Wisconsin-Madison and other donor-designated units of the UW System. For more than 58 years, the UW Foundation has engaged those who care about the University by providing opportunities to enhance its teaching, research and outreach programs, and has guaranteed ethical stewardship of the gifts it has received.
Planned Giving
If you are considering a planned gift, such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, real estate, or bequests, please contact Ann Lippincott at the UW Foundation: ann.lippincott@supportuw.org or 608-308-5320
Thank you for your support!
Questions? Call (608) 262-2193 or email Rebecca Forbes Wank.
Individual Program Funds
GNS+ offers various fund option for those who wish to donate to a specific program or cause. You can use the links below to access certain individual funds directly or search for the fund you would like to donate to on UW Foundation’s Website.
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Undergraduate Excellence Fund
While all donations to our “Enhancement Fund” benefit students of German in our department, generous start-up funding from alumni and friends of the Program has allowed us to establish a new “Undergraduate Excellence Fund” specifically for financial support of undergraduate students and activities that benefit them directly. This fund allows us to invest in our undergraduate curriculum, to support our most deserving students, and to provide additional (and much-needed) scholarships that will enable students to study in German-speaking countries. We thank our inaugural donors and invite you warmly to contribute to our new “Undergraduate Excellence Fund.”
At a time when the cost of higher education continues to shift from the state to the student, we would particularly like to:
1. Enable students to study in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland for a summer or for a year by offering them stipends. With your help, we hope to provide a stipend for every student we send abroad!
2. Offer significant fellowships to two high-achieving undergraduates in our program.
Ethel Antrim Bird Netherlandic Studies Fund
Ethel Antrim Bird Netherlandic Studies Fund
The Netherlandic Studies Fund supports the enhancement of the teaching and research program in Dutch at UW-Madison and the enrichment of the culture exchange between the UW and the Dutch-speaking region of the Netherlands and Belgium. The Fund income may be used for:
1) Travel Expenses and honoraria for visiting lecturers on Dutch music, art, science, philosophy, history etc.
2) Sponsoring symposia on Netherlandic studies
3) Travel expenses for students to attend special language courses in the Low Countries
4) Establishment of an award for outstanding achievement in Netherlandic Studies
5) Purchasing books, magazines and journals for the library.
German Department Enhancement Fund
German Department Enhancement Fund
The German Department Enhancement Fund is a fund for purposes which are in line with the mission of the German Department, from book purchases for the Reading Room to Petty Cash for rental of meeting rooms at the Union for social meetings, refreshments and the like–usually meetings of Undergraduate German Club or tea for friends of the Department.
Jost Hermand Graduate Fund
The Jost Hermand Graduate Fund is a discretionary fund to be used to aid the department in supporting graduate student funding including, but not limited to, travel and research.
Berghahn Prize in Literature Fund
Berghahn Prize in Literature Fund
The Berghahn Prize in Literature Fund is to be used to provide awards to students for excellent papers on German literature. The prize will be announced to students in advance and a committee of faculty will select the award-winning papers. An undergraduate and graduate prize of $500.00 each will be awarded.
Ursula Thomas German Department Fund
Any funds received by the University of Wisconsin Foundation under this will be used for the production of classroom materials; scholarships to help needy students participate in the Junior Year program; the improvement of teacher training at all levels; and at the discretion of the German Department; grants to be made to the American Association of Teachers of German; Wisconsin Chapter; to improve the teaching of German in the State of Wisconsin.
Lester W. J. Seifert Award Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide awards to graduate students in the field of Germanic Linguistics. The award will be given to graduate students who have exhibited academic excellence in their work in the field of Germanic Linguistics.
Dr. Arthur R. Schultz Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship Fund
The fund is for supporting graduate students in the German Department. The purpose of the fund is to establish a fellowship in the Department of German.
Edith M. Deuss Fund
Fund to be used for Germanic Studies.
Dr. Karl Oskar and Theodora Pisk Fund
This fund is for an annual award to a deserving undergraduate student in the German Department.
Hanna Hasler Memorial Fund for the German Department
The Fund is placed at the disposal of the Department to be used for:
(a) Expenses incurred in producing for undergraduate classes, materials unavailable in published form, i.e.: out-of-print books, monographs, articles, etc. The Department may be reimbursed for any cost of paper or offset needed in so making such material available.
(b) Expenses incurred in providing for undergraduate classes experimental teaching materials whether developed by personnel of the Department or obtained elsewhere. It is to be understood, however, that should such Departmentally developed, experimental material be alter published or manufactured for sale, the monies advanced from the Fund to perfect said material be reimbursed to it from the gain generated by such a venture.
(c) The purchase of audio visual materials, especially those appropriate for undergraduate instruction, for use by the Department of the Madison campus in any present or future Laboratories for Recorded Instruction.
Fred W. and Laura S. Suhr Memorial German Fund.
The purpose of the Suhr German Fund is to provide fellowships for graduate students in the Department of German at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Minna Giese Estate German Department Scholarship Fund
This fund is to be used for scholarships for needy students in the German Department.
Max Griebsch Bascom Professorship Fund
This fund shall be used to create a named professorship in the German Department at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Lynne Martin Graduate Studies Endowment Fund
The purpose of the fund is to support graduate students in the German Department.
Hermand Professorship Fund
This fund shall be used to create a named professorship in the German Program at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Glen W. Gadberry German Theatre Fund
This fund commemorates UW alum and German theater historian Glen Gadberry. It supports German Theater endeavors for our students, especially German Play performances put on by the department.
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Scandinavian Studies Centennial Fund
Scandinavian Studies Centennial Fund
The purpose of the fund is to aid the Department of Scandinavian Studies in its teaching, research and public service roles.
Faith and Niels Ingwersen Fund
Faith and Niels Ingwersen Fund
The purpose of this fund is to aid the Department of Scandinavian Studies in its teaching, research and public service roles.
AnnMari and Harald Naess Fund
The purpose of this fund is to aid the Dept. of Scandinavian Studies in its teaching, research, and public service roles.
Ygdrasil Fund in Norwegian Culture
Ygdrasil Fund in Norwegian Culture
The sole purpose of the fund is to aid the Department of Scandinavian Studies in its mission to study, identify and disseminate Norwegian cultural and heritage achievements.
Kay Bohn Smith Fund for Scandinavian Studies
This fund is to provide discretionary support for the Department of Scandinavian Studies.
Teaching Modern Icelandic Fund
This fund is intended to support the teaching of the Icelandic language.
Paul and Renate Madsen Faculty Fund for Scandinavian and Germanic Studies
This Fund will provide support for an existing Professorship, Faculty Fellow or other named faculty recognition with preference to Danish Studies.
Madsen Lounge Renovation Fund
For the purpose of renovating the Madsen Lounge in the Scandinavian Studies area.
Grace and William Larsen Memorial Fund
The purpose of the fund is to provide support for students in the Department of Scandinavian Studies including support for the creation of dissertation candidates mini courses, to provide support for students (undergraduate and graduate) to study in Norway and to provide support for bringing outstanding visiting lecturers/scholars to the Department.
Hazel and Edward W. Barckhan Scandinavian Studies Fund
This fund benefits the Department of Scandinavian Studies, with an emphasis on Norwegian culture.
Max, Hedwig, and Vera F. Croner Scholarship Fund in Scandinavian Studies
This fund is for scholarships to either undergraduate or graduate students with the Department of Scandinavian Studies.
Martha A. Taylor Scandinavian Studies Fund
This fund is used to support students studying Norwegian, in particular those given the opportunity to attend the International Summer School at the University of Oslo or other experience in a Scandinavian country.
Cullander-Raoul Wallenberg Fund
This fund is for scholarships for undergraduate or graduate students doing work in Scandinavian Studies and in need of financial assistance.
Barbara Morgridge Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship in Scandinavian Studies Fund
This fund shall support a graduate student, preferably a Ph.D. candidate, enrolled in the Department of Scandinavian Studies.
Birgit Baldwin Chair in Scandinavian Literatures and Languages Fund
This fund is for a Professorship in Scandinavian Literatures and Languages.
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Slavic Program General Fund
The sole purpose of the fund is to aid the program in its teaching, research and public service roles.
Michael and Emily Lapinski Scholarship Fund
Michael and Emily Lapinski Scholarship Fund
This fund is for the Polish Language Program in the Department of Slavic Languages.
Alexander Zaporozec Student Support Fund
This fund is used to provide need-based financial assistance to students from the Czech Republic.
J. Thomas Shaw Fund
The purpose of the fund is to aid the Department of Slavic Languages in its teaching, research and public service roles.
Xenia Z. Gasiorowska Fellowship Fund in Slavic Language
This fund is for an annual fellowship or scholarship or assistantship award on the basis of academic excellence to a student of Polish.
Edmund Ignace Zawacki Fund
This fund is for an annual award to a graduate or undergraduate student in the Polish language.
Folklore and GNS+
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Folklore Program General Fund
Anonymous Graduate Student Support Endowment Fund
Anonymous Graduate Student Support Endowment Fund
This fund shall be used for scholarships to the Graduate School, Foreign Language, University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Edith M. Deuss Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship Fund
The primary purpose of this fund is to provide graduate fellowships.