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Annika Pasanen, Professor of Sámi Linguistics and Rauni Äärelä-Vihriälä, Associate Professor of Pedagogy from Sámi University of Applied Sciences, Guovdageaidnu, Norway: Revitalization of Sámi Languages: Language Nests as an Example
1312 Van Hise HallBring your lunch and join us for a brownbag session on Indigenous language revitalization in Sápmi co-sponsored by GNS+, the Language Institute, Enwejig Indigenous Language Advocates, European Studies, and Reilly Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment. Light …
Colloquium: Refuge, Heba Gowayed, Associate Professor of Sociology, CUNY Hunter College & Graduate Center
8417 Social Sciences 1180 Observatory Drive, MadisonDrawing on a global and comparative ethnography, this talk explores how Syrian men and women seeking refuge in a moment of unprecedented global displacement are received by countries of resettlement and asylum- the U.S., Canada, …
Ulrike Draesner and Michael Eskin: “Speaking of Germany and the World Today: A Discussion”
Bascom 260Co-sponsored by the Center for German and European Studies and the Department of European Studies. In this conversation, Ulrike Draesner and Michael Eskin think through what it means to be German – or to be …