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FOLKLORE 100 – Introduction To Folklore
(3 credits)
- TR 3:30-4:20 pm Instructor: B. Marcus Cederström
- DIS 301: W 8:50-9:40 am (FIG 260 authorization required)*
- DIS 302: W 3:30-4:20 pm
- DIS 303: R 8:50-9:40 am (for freshman, sophomores, and juniors only)*
- DIS 304: R 9:55-10:45 am
- DIS 305: F 8:50-9:40 am
- DIS 306: F 3:30-4:20 pm
Course Description: This course serves as an introduction to folklore—that is, the arts, beliefs, stories, sayings, customs, and ways of communication we engage with in our everyday lives. We’ll be examining a variety of folklore genres, while also learning about and employing the methods and practices of folklore scholars. Because this is a practical as well as theoretical course, we will be conducting fieldwork in the region as part of a semester-long folklore project. By the end of the term, you will be able to better understand what folklore is, how and why it functions, and the many and often hidden ways that it is a part of our everyday lives. You’ll learn about ethnographic methods and techniques and how to use interviews, photography, and videography to document various genres of folklore. You’ll better understand what culture is, how it affects our everyday lives, and how it is transmitted, changed, created and re-created, lost, found, and reclaimed.
Prerequisites: None.
FOLKLORE 103 – Introduction To Music Cultures Of The World
(3 credits)
- MW 1:20-2:10 pm Instructor: Nadia Chana
- DIS 301: R 12:05-12:55 pm
- DIS 302: R 1:20-2:10 pm
- DIS 303: R 2:25-3:15 pm
- DIS 304: R 3:30-4:20 pm
- DIS 305: R 8:50-9:40 am
- DIS 306: R 9:55-10:45 am
- DIS 307: R 11:00-11:50 am
- DIS 308: F 12:05-12:55 pm
- DIS 309: F 11:00-11:50 am
- DIS 310: F 12:05-12:55 pm
- DIS 311: F 12:05-12:55 pm
Course Description: An introductory ethnomusicology course providing a variety of ways to approach musics typically not covered in music history courses. Active engagement with these musics within their larger world contexts.
Prerequisites: None.
FOLKLORE 210 – The African Storyteller
(3 credits)
- Section 001: ONLINE September 8th – December 15th
- Section 002: ONLINE September 8th – December 15th
- Section 003: ONLINE September 8th – December 15th
- Section 004: ONLINE September 8th – December 15th
- Section 005: ONLINE September 8th – December 15th
Course Description: The oral tradition and the written word; the composition of stories, relationship between performer and audience, and transmission of tradition in various African societies.
Prerequisites: None.
FOLKLORE 342 – Nordic Mythology
(3 credits)
- TR 1:00-2:15 pm Instructor: Scott Mellor
Course Description: Mythology, literature, ritual, traditions, medieval folklore, and religion from Nordic areas and Scandinavia.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher.
FOLKLORE 443 – Sami Culture, Yesterday And Today
(4 credits)
- TR 2:30-3:45 pm Instructor: Thomas DuBois
Course Description: Interdisciplinary study of Sami (Lapp) people of Scandinavia past and present. Indigenous modes of expression and worldview, contemporary cultural and political activism. Extensive discussion of connections to Native American and Inuit experiences; rise of U.S. and other indigenous peoples’ movements.
Prerequisites: Junior status or consent of instructor.
FOLKLORE 515 – Proseminar In Ethnomusicology
(3 credits)
- W 8:15-10:15 am Instructor: Nadia Chana
Course Description: Introduction to ethnomusicology, including historical survey of major works in the field, classification of musical instruments, measurement of tuning systems and concepts of scale, mode and rhythm in non-Western music.
Prerequisites: Graduate student or professional standing.
FOLKLORE 530 – Scandinavian-American Folksong
(3 credits)
- TR 9:30-10:45 am
Prerequisites: Junior status or consent of instructor.