Graduate Student Organizations

GNS Graduate School Organizations

The Slavic Graduate Student Organization serves as a facilitator between the Graduate Students in the Slavic unit of the Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic at UW-Madison and the faculty of said Department. The GSO pledges to discuss student concerns and redress these concerns to the faculty at monthly faculty meetings. Additionally, the GSO pledges to organize cultural and social events that will strengthen the bonds of our Slavic community.  The GSO will also host professional development workshops and/or academic colloquiums.

Membership Requirements (for example GPA requirements, membership fees)

  1. Any graduate student affiliated with the Slavic program may join.
  2. Members must attend at least one meeting per semester.
  3. Be willing to share ideas openly.
  4. Be willing to listen to others.
  5. Be able to disagree graciously.
  6. Be willing to strive for consensus whenever possible.

Slavic GSO Constitution

The German and Dutch Graduate Student Association (GDGSA) is a registered student organization of the university, and membership includes all current graduate students in the German program.

The goals of the GDGSA are:

(1) to serve as a communicative link between graduate students and faculty of the Department of German,

(2) to provide graduate students with opportunities for professional development and service opportunities,

(3) to foster a productive and professional working environment through open discussions at monthly meetings,

(4) to organize social events to encourage friendly and supportive atmosphere among its members, and

(5) to serve as an outreach organization for German and Dutch language and culture.

The functions of the GDGSA are largely carried out through the work of committees, for which chairs are elected annually. Committees work closely with faculty regarding decisions about the undergraduate and graduate programs. Additionally, the GDGSA organizes its own events on topics of interest to graduate students in the department as well as an annual graduate student conference. General GDGSA meetings include updates from committees and facilitate an exchange of information and ideas related to all areas of the program, including courses, workshops, and funding. New graduate students are encouraged to attend the first meeting of the semester in order to meet the rest of the graduate students and to begin active participation in the graduate student community. You are welcome to learn more about the structure of our organization and read the GDGSA Charter. Current students can connect with us on the Wisconsin Involvement Network. Prospective graduate students are encouraged to contact the members of our Recruitment and Orientation Committee: Jameson Lynch ( and Brandon Pahl (

The Nordic Graduate Student Association (NGSA) is a registered student organization at UW-Madison.

The NGSA facilitates communications between graduate students in the Scandinavian Studies program at UW-Madison and German, Nordic, and Slavic (GNS) faculty, academic staff, and graduate students. The NGSA discusses graduate student concerns, represents these concerns at GNS department meetings, and communicates policy decisions to the graduate students of the Scandinavian Studies program. The NGSA seeks to actively foster a productive and professional working environment through open forum dialogue and discussion.

All current graduate students of the Scandinavian Studies program are members of the NGSA. Fulbright language instructors affiliated with the Nordic unit of German, Nordic, and Slavic are also members.

For more information, including our bylaws and upcoming events, please visit the NGSA webpage hosted by the Wisconsin Involvement Network, or email our primary representative, Lauren Poyer.