Featured Course!

Contemporary Scandinavian Literature
(4 credits)
- TR 4:00-5:15 pm
- Instructor: Benjamin Mier-Cruz
Course Description: The Nordic Countries are widely perceived to be culturally and ethnically homogeneous, yet a complex colonial history, globalization, and increased migration challenge the myth of Scandinavian homogeneity. This course will explore the recent literature and cinema of Nordic authors and filmmakers of color with a focus on intersectional areas of diversity, including race, gender, sexuality, and class. Reading against European racial stereotypes, this course will explore new racial imaginaries and forms of national belonging in countries that largely regard race as fictive. Some of the authors and filmmakers we will discuss are Jonas Hassen Khemiri, Athena Farrokhzad, Iram Haq, Bertrand Besigye, Rojda Sekersöz, Ahang Bashi, Fanna Ndow Norrby, Ruben Palma, and Johannes Anyuru.
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SCAND ST 101 – First Semester Norwegian
(4 credits)
- Section 001: ONLINE (MTWRF 9:55-10:45 am) Instructor: TBD
- Section 002: MTWRF 1:20-2:10 pm Instructor: Peggy Hager
Course Description: Spoken and written Norwegian for students without previous knowledge.
Prerequisites: None.
SCAND ST 111 – First Semester Swedish
(4 credits)
- MTWRF 12:05-12:55 pm
Course Description: Spoken and written Swedish for students without previous knowledge.
Prerequisites: None.
SCAND ST 121 – First Semester Danish
(4 credits)
- MTWRF 9:55-10:45 am
Course Description: Spoken and written Danish for students without previous knowledge.
Prerequisites: None.
SCAND ST 201 – Second Year Norwegian
(4 credits)
- MTWR 2:25-3:15 pm Instructor: Peggy Hager
Course Description: Rapid reading of suitable texts by modern writers.
Prerequisites: SCAND ST 102 or appropriate score on the placement exam.
SCAND ST 211 – Second Year Swedish
(4 credits)
- MTWR 11:00-11:50 am Instructor: Benjamin Mier-Cruz
Course Description: Reading of selections from Swedish writers, grammar review, and conversation.
Prerequisites: SCAND ST 112 or appropriate score on the placement exam.
SCAND ST 221 – Second Year Danish
(4 credits)
- MTWR 9:55-10:45 am Instructor: Nete Schmidt
Prerequisites: SCAND ST 122 or appropriate score on the placement exam.
SCAND ST 251 – Readings in Norwegian Literature
(3-4 credits)
- TR 1:00-2:15 pm Instructor: Dean Krouk
Course Description: Prose, poetry, and drama read in the original. Norwegian used extensively as classroom language.
Prerequisites: SCAND ST 202.
SCAND ST 261 – Readings in Swedish Literature
(3 credits)
- ONLINE (MWF 12:05-12:55 pm) Instructor: Susan Brantly
Course Description: Prose, poetry, and drama read in the original. Swedish used extensively as classroom language.
Prerequisites: SCAND ST 212.
SCAND ST 271 – Readings in Danish Literature
(3 credits)
- MWF 11:00-11:50 am Instructor: Nete Schmidt
Course Description: Prose, poetry, and drama read in the original. Danish used extensively as classroom language.
Prerequisites: SCAND ST 222.
SCAND ST 276 – Culture and Community in Scandinavia
(3 credits)
- TR 11:00 am-12:15 pm Instructor: Nete Schmidt
Course Description: An extensive, wide-ranging introduction to the cultures of and community in the Scandinavian and Nordic Countries. Through a diverse series of guest lectures and discussions, explore the culture, arts, geography, history, religion, languages, music, literature, politics etc. of the Scandinavian countries.
Prerequisites: None.
* Meets with SCAND ST 476 – Scandinavian Life And Civilization II.
SCAND ST 404 – Languages of Northern Europe: Norwegian Language I
(4 credits)
- Section 001: MTWR 1:20-2:10 pm Instructor: Peggy Hager
Course Description: Introduction to languages of Northern Europe not covered by other department courses (e.g., Sami, Estonian). Practice in language, accompanied by introduction to grammar, culture, and literature. Other language-related topics offered occasionally; check timetable for details.
Prerequisites: None.
SCAND ST 404 – Languages of Northern Europe: Norwegian Language II
(4 credits)
- Section 002: MTWRF 2:25-3:15 pm Instructor: Peggy Hager
Course Description: Introduction to languages of Northern Europe not covered by other department courses (e.g., Sami, Estonian). Practice in language, accompanied by introduction to grammar, culture, and literature. Other language-related topics offered occasionally; check timetable for details.
Prerequisites: None.
SCAND ST 404 – Continuing Finnish
(4 credits)
- Section 003: ONLINE (TR 4:40-6:45 pm)
Course Description: Introduction to languages of Northern Europe not covered by other department courses (e.g., Sami, Estonian). Practice in language, accompanied by introduction to grammar, culture, and literature. Other language-related topics offered occasionally; check timetable for details.
Prerequisites: None.
SCAND ST 407 – Old Norse
(3 credits)
- TR 9:30-10:45 am Instructor: Kirsten Wolf
Course Description: Reading of texts from the Sagas and Eddas, with comparative study of linguistic structure and literary style.
Prerequisites: Graduate student or consent of instructor.
SCAND ST 411 – Areas in Scandinavian Literature: Norden
(1 credits)
- T 4:00-5:15 pm Instructor: Scott Mellor
Course Description: Reading of texts from the Sagas and Eddas, with comparative study of linguistic structure and literary style.
Prerequisites: 5 semesters or equivalent in a Scandinavian language.
SCAND ST 419 – Scandinavian Children's Literature
(4 credits)
- TR 1:00-2:15 pm Instructor: Liina Ly-Roos
Course Description: Forms and themes of Scandinavian children’s literature from the nineteenth century to the present. Exploration of the dominant concerns of authors, adult and non-adult audiences. Film adaptations and Scandinavian-American materials included.
Prerequisites: Junior status or higher and 2 years of Scandinavian language.
SCAND ST 424 – Nineteenth-Century Scandinavian Fiction
(3-4 credits)
- ONLINE Instructor: Susan Brantly
Course Description: Readings in such authors as Hans Christian Andersen, Steen Steensen Blicher, C.J.L. Almquist, Alexis Kivi, Bjornstjerne Bjornson, Jonas Lie, Alexander Kielland, Jens Peter Jacobsen, Henrik Pontoppidan, August Strindberg, Selma Lagerlof, and Johs V. Jensen.
Prerequisites: Junior status or higher and 2 years of Scandinavian language.
SCAND ST 427 – Contemporary Scandinavian Literature
(4 credits)
- TR 4:00-5:15 pm Instructor: Benjamin Mier-Cruz
Course Description: The Nordic Countries are widely perceived to be culturally and ethnically homogeneous, yet a complex colonial history, globalization, and increased migration challenge the myth of Scandinavian homogeneity. This course will explore the recent literature and cinema of Nordic authors and filmmakers of color with a focus on intersectional areas of diversity, including race, gender, sexuality, and class. Reading against European racial stereotypes, this course will explore new racial imaginaries and forms of national belonging in countries that largely regard race as fictive. Some of the authors and filmmakers we will discuss are Jonas Hassen Khemiri, Athena Farrokhzad, Iram Haq, Bertrand Besigye, Rojda Sekersöz, Ahang Bashi, Fanna Ndow Norrby, Ruben Palma, and Johannes Anyuru.
Prerequisites: Junior status or higher and 2 years of Scandinavian language.
SCAND ST 429 – Mythology of Scandinavia
(4 credits)
- ONLINE (TR 1:00-2:15 pm) Instructor: Scott Mellor
Course Description: First: an introduction to the pagan religion of Scandinavia, with readings in some of the primary sources (eddaic and skaldic poetry, Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda, etc.) Second: broadens the definition of mythology to embrace concepts applicable to more recent literature and literary criticism.
Prerequisites: Junior status or higher and 2 years of Scandinavian language.
SCAND ST 431 – History Of Scandinavia To 1815
(3 credits)
- ONLINE (TR 11:00 am-12:15 pm) Instructor: Scott Mellor
Course Description: Political, social, economic and cultural developments of Scandinavia through the “Viking Age” to the break-up of Sweden-Finland and Denmark-Norway; emphasis on the interplay between social and political forces and institutions and the area’s relationship with the rest of Europe.
Prerequisites: Sophomore status or higher.
SCAND ST 475 – The Writings Of Hans Christian Andersen For Scandinavian Majors
(4 credits)
- ONLINE (MWF 12:05-12:55 pm) Instructor: Nete Schmidt
Course Description: In-depth discussion of selected texts, historical and literary background material, application and discussion of pertinent literary criticism, independent student presentations, and a research paper, in addition to the coursework done in SCAND ST 375.
Prerequisites: 2 years of Scandinavian language or consent of instructor.
SCAND ST 476 – Scandinavian Life And Civilization II
(4 credits)
- TR 11:00 am-12:15 pm Instructor: Nete Schmidt
Course Description: Scandinavian culture in all its aspects ranging from past history up to contemporary trends in politics and ideologies.
Prerequisites: 2 years of Scandinavian language or consent of instructor.
* Meets with SCAND ST 276 – Culture and Community in Scandinavia.
SCAND ST 511 – Paleography And Philology: Old Norse
(3 credits)
- TR 11:00 am-12:15 pm Instructor: Kirsten Wolf
Course Description: A history of writing in Iceland 1150-1550 on the basis of manuscripts as principal sources of evidence for Old Norse-Icelandic.
Prerequisites: SCAND ST/MEDIEVAL 407 or 408.
SCAND ST 520 – Scandinavian Film
(3 credits)
- TR 9:30-10:45 am Instructor: Liina Ly-Roos
Prerequisites: None.
SCAND ST 577 – Contemporary Scandinavia: Politics And History
(3 credits)
- TR 2:30-3:45 pm Instructor: Claus E. Andersen
Course Description: Social, economic, and ideological changes, institutions, and movements and their relationships with the political processes and structures in the Nordic states.
Prerequisites: Junior status or higher.
SCAND ST 710 – Language Teaching Methods
(1 credits)
- W 1:20-2:10 pm Instructor: Scott Mellor
Prerequisites: Graduate or professional student.
SCAND ST 901 – Seminar in Special Topics: Interwar Scandinavia
(3 credits)
- M 2:25-5:25 pm Instructor: Dean Krouk
Prerequisites: Graduate or professional student.