Robin Cummins
Credentials: German
Position title: Graduate Student
Languages: German, Latin, Old High German, Old English, Gothic, Old Norse

Area(s) of Study: Germanic linguistics, orality and literacy, paleography.
About: Robin Cummins is a graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in German at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic. They received their B.A. in English and German from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville in 2019 and later their M.A. in German from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Their forthcoming article deals with the paleography of the Hildebrandslied and how it relates to the transmission of the text. Their primary research interest is the transition of medieval Germanic languages from an oral culture to a literate one.
– University of Wisconsin–Madison, MA in German (2021)
– Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, BA in English and German (2019)
Courses Taught:
– GERMAN 101: First Semester German
– GERMAN 102: Second Semester German
– GERMAN 204: Fourth Semester German