Nicole Fischer
Credentials: German
Position title: Graduate Student
Languages: German, Czech, English

Area(s) of Study: German Romanticism from the Perspective of the Environmental Humanities.
About: In 2016, Nicole Fischer graduated from the University of Regensburg. Her majors were German, Physical Education, and English as part of her teacher training. In addition, she received a M.A. in German Studies from Vanderbilt University (Nashville/TN) in 2012. Her thesis focused on Novalis, his Heinrich von Ofterdingen and the philosophy of nature of the German epoch of Romanticism. Her interest in Environmental Humanities has guided her to pursue a Ph.D. at UW- Madison with a future project that will view German literature through an ecocritical lens. Furthermore, she will complete a minor in the field of SLA and a Certificate in Environmental Humanities. In her freetime, she loves cross country skiing, biking, reading and spending time with her husband and dog.
– University of Wisconsin-Madison – Ph.D. Student (since 2017)
– Universität Regensburg – Erstes Staatsexamen in Deutsch, Sport und Englisch (2016)
– Vanderbilt University – M.A. in German (2012)
Courses Taught:
– GERMAN 101 – First semester German (Fall 2017)
– GERMAN 102 – Second semester German (Spring 2020)
– GERMAN 249 – Listening and Speaking (Fall 2018/ Spring 2019)
– TA Mentor: Supporting and mentoring the incoming cohort of German Teaching Assistants (Fall 2019)
Vanderbilt University:
– GERMAN 101 – first semester German (Fall 2011)
– GERMAN 102 – second semester German (Spring 2012)
University of Regensburg:
– Discussion Section: Proseminar Sprachgeschichte
– Discussion Section: Proseminar Gegenwartsprache
German Highschool (Anton Bruckner Gymnasium):
– German, English, and Physical Education
- Graduate School Fellowship of the University of Wisconsin- Madison (Spring 2018)
Selected Publications:
- Samek, Nicole: Das Stück richtig lesen lernen: Überlegungen zum Deutschunterricht. Büchner Lektüren für Dieter Sevin. Ed. By Barbara Hahn. Hildesheim: Olms 2012. 93-111. (