Carsten Haas
Credentials: German
Position title: Graduate Student
Languages: German, Norwegian, Finnish, Old Saxon, Old High German, Old English, Old Norse, Gothic

Area(s) of Study: Germanic Alliterative Verse, Orality & Literacy, Kennings, Linguistic Play, Metaphor & Metonymy
About Me: I received my BA in German & Linguistics from Macalester College in 2018 and my MA in German from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2021. My research focuses on orality & literacy and linguistic play, with a particular focus on the cognitive role of figurative language in Germanic alliterative verse.
– University of Wisconsin-Madison, MA in German (2021)
– Macalester College, BA in German and Linguistics (2018)
Courses Taught:
– GERMAN 101: First Semester German
– GERMAN 102: Second Semester German
– GERMAN 203: Third Semester German
– GERMAN 204: Fourth Semester German
– GERMAN 249: Speaking & Listening
– GERMAN 272: Nazi Culture