Marsel Khamitov
Credentials: Slavic Languages and Literature
Position title: Graduate Student
Languages: Russian, Italian, German, Polish, Turkish

Area(s) of Study: late Soviet literature, imperialism studies, ethnic deportations
About: Marsel received his BA and MA in Russian and Comparative Literature at the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (Moscow, Russia). During his MA program, Marsel participated in the exchange program with the Ca’ Foscari University and spent a semester in Venice, Italy. His MA thesis addressed the post-revolutionary imaginary in the Soviet travelogues of the 1920s (Victor Shklovsky, Ilya Ehrenburg, Alexei Tolstoy). Marsel’s current project is focused on the ethnic deportations in the Soviet Union and their impact on the theory and practice of the “friendship of peoples.” In particular, he is interested in the literary representations of the deportations by various groups — from the sympathetic members of the Soviet intelligentsia (Semyon Lipkin, Anatolii Pristavkin) to the texts in Crimean Tatar, Turkish, and German that were written by the deportees themselves and became part of their grassroots resistance.
Since Fall 2022, Marsel is teaching Russian language at different levels and is very excited about continuing both his research and teaching experience at UW Madison.
– National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (Moscow, Russia) – BA and MA in Russian and Comparative Literature
– University of Wisconsin-Madison — MA in Slavic studies
Courses Taught:
– First Semester Russian (Spring 2024)
– Third Semester Russian (Fall 2022, Fall 2023)
– Fourth Semester Russian (Spring 2023)
- J. Thomas Shaw Prize for outstanding paper at Wisconsin Slavic Conference — Honorable Mention (2021)
- J. Thomas Shaw Prize for outstanding paper at Wisconsin Slavic Conference (2023)
- Letters & Science Early Excellence in Teaching Award (2024)
- 2024 History Grand Prize in NYU Jordan Center Blog Graduate Student Essay Competition (“And Everything Around is So Non-Russian’: Crimean Tatars Against the Late Soviet Crimea”)
- Open Educational Resource (OER) Diverse Russian: A Multicultural Exploration (, contributing author (Урок 3. Народы России)
- “«Mezhdu smert’ju i zhizn’ju» A.N. Apuhtina: reinkarnacionnyj sjuzhet kak problema narrativa.” Studia Litterarum, 2018, vol. 3, № 2, pp. 102-121 (IMLI RAN).
- “Sotvorenie literaturnogo mifa o Londone: «Holodnyj dom» Ch. Dikkensa” Littera Scripta 9. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov molodyh filologov. Izdatel’stvo Latvijskogo universiteta, 2017, pp. 92–99.
- “Razgovory v carstve mertvyh: «Bobok» F.M. Dostoevskogo.“ Dostoevskij. Materialy i issledovanija, vol. 21. Nestor-Istoriya, 2016, pp. 29-44 (IRLI RAN).