Brandon Pahl
Credentials: German
Position title: Graduate Student
Languages: German, French, Hungarian

Area(s) of Study: 20th century German and Austrian literature; history and culture of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; depictions of alcohol use and abuse in literature.
Pronouns: He/him
About: I am an PhD student in the German program. I received my BA in German and English and Creative Writing from the University of Iowa in 2020 and spent the following two years working as an English teaching assistant in Villach, Austria as part of the Fulbright Austria program.
– M.A. in German, University of Wisconsin-Madison
– B.A. in German and B.A. in English and Creative Writing, University of Iowa (2020)
Courses taught:
– German 102 (Spring 2024)
– German 101 (Fall 2023)
– Yiddish Song and the Jewish Experience (Fall 2022)
– Fulbright Teaching Assistantship in Austria (2020-2022)
– Phi Beta Kappa (2018)