Adam Stern
Credentials: German and Jewish Studies
Position title: Assistant Professor
Pronouns: he/him/his
Office Number: 856 Van Hise Hall

Languages: German, French, Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic
Research/Language Interests: Continental Philosophy, Jewish Thought, Race and Religion, Secularism, Political Theology, Translation Theory, Media Studies
About: Adam Stern arrived at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 2019. His first book, Survival: A Theological-Political Genealogy, was published with the University of Pennsylvania Press in 2021. Recent articles have appeared in journals such as CR: The New Centennial Review, Modern Intellectual History, and Critical Times. He is currently working on a synthetic genealogy of the Jewish settler.
Affiliated Departments: Religious Studies Program, Middle East Studies Program, European Studies Program
• Harvard University, Ph.D. Study of Religion
• The University of Chicago, A.M. Religious Studies
• Columbia University, B.A. Comparative Literature