Jolanda Vanderwal Taylor
Credentials: German
Position title: Department Chair, Professor
Office Number: 832 Van Hise Hall

Language: Dutch, German
Research/Language Interests: Dutch-language literature and culture; (im)migration; trauma and memory; travel; the family; contemporary fiction.
About Me: I received my PhD from Cornell University, in Germanic Studies: German and Dutch. Here at UW-Madison, I taught German and Dutch at first, while we built the Dutch program. Recently, my teaching has been primarily in Dutch language, literature and culture. My research interests have recently been primarily in Dutch literature and culture, the (trans-generational) memory of the Holocaust and Occupation, the family (het gezin) in Dutch literature and culture, and issues surrounding migration/newcomers. I have been active on campus in promoting study abroad, as well as activities that help students gain–and understand the value of–a liberal arts education. I serve as faculty director of the Wisconsin International Scholars Program (The International Division). I have served as chair of the L&S Curriculum Committee, inaugural chair of the University Curriculum Committee, co-chair of the University International Travel Committee, as a member of the Faculty Advisory Group for Engage Awards Program (DoIT), Chair of the Faculty Advisory Board, Student Academic Affairs, and member of review and search & screen committees. I am also currently serving as chair of the department.
• Cornell University, Ph.D. in Germanic Studies: German and Dutch Literature (1987)
• Cornell University, M.A. in Germanic Studies: German Literature, minor in Germanic Linguistics (1984)
• Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, B.A. in German and Philosophy, with honors (1980)