“At DIS, it seemed like every detail was thought of and taken care of.”
Program: Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS), Spring
Student’s Majors: Neurobiology, Psychology

Academic Life: DIS has a wide breadth of classes, making it easy to find classes that are both applicable and interesting. Each student picks a core course, one class that they will focus on and travel around Denmark and Europe with. I enrolled in psychopharmacology and was taught by a leading researcher in the field. During our class trips, we were able to explore labs and clinics in Aarhus and Odense, Denmark, and Munich, Germany. I loved that all of my classes were rigorous, had hands-on fieldwork components, and were taught by professors who had experience in their field.
Housing: The homestay was one of my best choices that I made in choosing to go abroad. My family was welcoming, genuine, and exposed me to cultural aspects that I would not get otherwise. I loved laughing, cooking, and having dinner most nights with my host parents, three host brothers, and American roommate. I always felt that the Danish word “hygge,” loosely meaning being cozy and spending time with people you love, to be applicable during our long dinner conversations.
Tips for Future Students: Studying abroad is one of the best experiences you can have in college, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, and that’s okay. It is okay to have a bad day and to talk to your friends about it. While everything may seem perfect on social media, we all have a bad day every once in while.
Benefits of Study Abroad: Studying abroad made me more confident. This experience allowed me to talk to many people who originate from a wide range of countries and cultures. While I can be shy, being abroad and sometimes in uncomfortable situations, allowed me to gain confidence in communicating and forming connections to people both on my program, in my country, and around Europe.