Certificate in German
The Certificate in German offers students the opportunity to develop their proficiency in German, thereby complementing their major(s) in other subjects across the University. It also strengthens the applications of students who intend to pursue careers or graduate study in areas where German is useful. The Certificate in German is open to all undergraduate students, including special students who may already have completed a major and earned their degree.
The Certificate in German requires 15 credits of German coursework taken beyond German 204 (Fourth Semester German), to include at least two courses from the 300-level or higher. Retrocredits may not be applied toward the certificate, though German credits earned through a UW-sponsored study abroad program may.
The 15 credits required for the certificate would be typically distributed as follows, depending at what level students begin their study of German at the UW-Madison:
9 credits at the fifth-semester level (249 + 258 + 262 OR 249 + 285) and
6 credits at the advanced (300+) level
The 200 level courses will provide students with a solid foundation on which they will be able to develop proficiency in speaking and reading German. At the advanced level, they will be able to build on that foundation by choosing from a range of courses in German literature, linguistics, and culture.
For more information, please contact the Undergraduate Advisor, Joanna Schuth at undergrad@gns.wisc.edu.