
Why Learn Icelandic?

iceland-holiday-night-cloudsModern Icelandic is offered irregularly at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The course is taught three times a week over the course of two semesters. Besides giving the students insights into the Icelandic history and culture, the main goal of the course is to introduce students to Icelandic grammar and to help them acquire the necessary vocabulary to carry out basic conversations, express themselves in writing and to understand oral and written texts in Icelandic. All four language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) are addressed and incorporated into the teaching process.

Study Abroad

“I snorkeled in glacial water that filled a fissure between tectonic plates. It was very cold, clear, and unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

Studying abroad is an amazing way to not only solidify your knowledge of the Icelandic language, but also experience the culture first hand. To hear from students who had the opportunity to go abroad in Iceland, head to the profiles of Grace Maples or Josie Sajbel.